Full Plate
culinary app
“You have to taste culture to understand it”
Deborah Cater 
What is “Full Plate”?
The “Full Plate” is a Responsive web app designed to work for homemade food lovers and home cookers

There is no need to use word-of-mouth or search for cooking pages on the internet and social media anymore.

Best Homemade Food experience in one place!
1. In the light of new developments related to a global pandemic, people spend more time at home - working and studying. Families need to relieve the stress of house chores and daily routines.

2. Affordable, authentic homemade food, which is easy to order and get on time, may facilitate people's lives, free up time for personal goals and needs, bring a taste of mom-made food, and allow people to discover new cultures.

3. Home Cookers may need a single online platform to make themselves known, attract more customers, and convert their hobby to money.
The solution
Create a multipurpose web app that allows people, by using their zip codes and setting preferences for cuisine, home cooks, and delivery day, to get ready to eat authentic and delicious homemade dishes from all over the world right in their neighborhood, right to their doorsteps. Just heat and eat! 
It will help people relieve their house chores routine, save money, and spend more time enjoying their lives. 

The app gives an opportunity for home cookers to introduce their culinary work and talents to many clients on a single online platform and make money on their passion.
User personas
To solve the problems and make the product more useful, I started to work on my target audience, defining my ideal customers, their behavior patternspain points, goals and needs.
User research
To get relevant and helpful information about the user’s actions and motivations and gather insights that will inform the design process, I came up with some open-ended questions and conducted user interviews with further analysis and synthesis of the results.​​​​​​​
Patterns emerged from the participants' answers:
- Affordable food with delivery;
- Save energy and time on cooking and spend more time on their lives and interests;
- Don't cook every day, clean the kitchen and wash dishes less;
- Be able to order food with delivery that is complicated or hard to cook at home; 
- It's crucial to order food from cookers they trust;
- Ability to choose menu/ingredients that fit their diet and lifestyle.
User flow
After user research was conducted, I formed the foundation of the product - user flowIt helped me determine how many screens are needed, what order they should appear, and what components need to be present
A user flow diagram was developed based on the following user scenarios:
- to be able to access the dishes and chefs without having to register;
- to have advanced search options and filters to make the best choice;
- I want quickly add dishes to a shopping cart and choose the number of portions;
- I want to have a variety of payment options;
- I want to know who is cooking for me, learn about a chef;
- ​​​​​​I want to leave and see reviews and dish ratings. 
The Mood board
Styling an app is about creating a feeling and evoking emotions. I wanted my app to feel like:
Color palette
wireframe progression
Wireframing provides a clear overview of the page structure, layout, information architecture, user flow, functionality, and intended behaviors.
Double-click any wireframe below and take a look at the bigger screen👇
Search Page
Search Page
Dish Page
Dish Page
Business Page
Business Page
Shopping Cart
Shopping Cart
Payment Form
Payment Form
Order Created
Order Created
Log In
Log In
Sign Up
Sign Up
High-Fidelity Wireframes
Armed with the valuable insights gathered from the user feedback, I build more detailed iterations of the product’s design—such as high-fidelity wireframes.
Final product User Interface
I appreciate your time and consideration.​​​​​​​
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