ready trip plans app
Who is the ShRoute for?
For active people willing to travel on their own or in groups and visit places near and far. For travelers ready to exchange and share their tested route experience with others.
What problems does it solve?
The App helps people not spend hours and even days planning road trips but instead have ready plans. It will encourage people to live happier and healthier lives by getting off the couch and onto the open road.
Competitive analysis and the key concepts
Market research showed that some of the leading companies in the travel industry like Airbnb, TripAdvisor, and minor one Culture Trip are full of overloading information like where to stay, go, see, eat, etc. 

I came up with the idea that people might be experiencing a paradox of choice spending hours, if not days on websites, trying to build the best trips.

My idea was to create a targeted app that will empower people to have more effortless and spontaneous trips with maximum energy and time saving, help find like-minded people and stay active.
Key features I implemented by learning from others 
turning user goals into task flows
Users will conduct several typical scenarios:
- Search and apply filters;
- Save favorite routes;
- Download trip plan
- Leave comments and feedback; 
- Create and share route;
- ​​​​​​​Upload pictures to the trip gallery.​​​​​​​
Styling and Visual communication
Styling an app is about creating a feeling and evoking emotions. I wanted my app to feel like:
The Mood board
Color palette
Prototyping Animation
Click the play button below to see the animation👇
Final product User Interface
I appreciate your time and consideration.​​​​​​​
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